July 15, 2013

Electrically aware Virtuoso aims to head off physical issues

Cadence Design Systems has rolled out a new version of Virtuoso that deals with the physical-implementation issues that arise in the sub-28nm nodes.
July 8, 2013

Real Intent links tools to Synopsys flows through in-Sync program

Real Intent has linked its key tools into Synopsys' VCS Verilog simulation and HDL Compiler tool flows.
Article  |  Topics: Product  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 18, 2013

Real Intent highlights hierarchical clock domain crossing with Meridian 5.0

SystemVerilog and Synopsys Verdi integration are among further enhancements as clock domain crossing competition intensifies.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, - RTL, Verification  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 17, 2013

Synopsys doubles speed of formal ECO checking

Incremental formal verification of ECOs makes finalisation of chip design process faster, more predictable.
Article  |  Topics: Design to Silicon, RTL, Verification  |  Tags: ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 14, 2013

Synopsys launches single kit to optimize IP across PPA

Latest addition to DesignWare portfolio balances trade-offs across CPUs, GPUs and DSPs while automating custom design techniques such as multi-bit flip flops.
Article  |  Topics: Digital/analog implementation, Blog - EDA, IP  |  Tags: , , , , , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
June 7, 2013

FinFET shift could drive analog automation as layout effects bite

The arrival of the finFET brings with it simulation and physical restrictions that might lead teams to resort to layout automation to get the job done.
June 5, 2013

Jasper, Duolog bring formal verification to IP specification and assembly, low-power design

Deal creates methodologies and tools to help deliver IP and SoC assemblies verified using formal methods. Low-power verification strategy also launched.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, IP, - Verification  |  Tags: ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 4, 2013

Timing signoff: maybe it’s time to get rid of the clock

The effort needed in timing signoff could lead to a shift in design towards asynchronous techniques unless advanced OCV technologies improve.
June 3, 2013

UPF group moves to consider system-power issues

The group that developed the IEEE 1801 Unified Power Format standard is looking to bringing power modeling and estimation to the system level for version 3.0, due in 2015.
May 28, 2013

Fabless, IP designers need process simulation tools, says Coventor CTO

Fabless designers and IP providers need process simulation tools to understand how process variability could affect their designs.
Article  |  Topics: Design to Silicon, Blog - IP  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations: