
July 19, 2021

Chiplet design raises big questions

Building products using chiplets involves more than treating them as hard IP cores. Many open questions surround the field, explored by panelists in a MEPTEC conference online.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, IP, PCB  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: , , ,
July 3, 2018

Fusion improves timing say Synopsys users

Early-access customers talked about their experiences with the Synopsys Fusion-based flow in a panel session at the DAC.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , , ,   |  Organizations: , , , ,
June 30, 2015

Chipmakers see 3x test-pattern saving in embedded-test logic

Companies such as Broadcom are experiencing threefold test-pattern reductions through the use of automatically inserted gates that allow parallel cones to share the same ATPG patterns that would not be possible using conventional test generation schemes.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 1, 2015

Avago and Broadcom: integration of another kind?

Last week's announcement by Avago that it would buy Broadcom looks to be only partly about bulk. The merger could help drive SIP and 3DIC integration.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, PCB  |  Tags: , , , , , ,   |  Organizations:
May 11, 2015

Formal verification conference offers ARM, Broadcom, Imagination insights, online access

Conference addresses formal verification techniques at levels to suit beginners through to experts
March 17, 2015

Broadcom sees Chinese automotive as key to Internet of Things

Comms giant to seek out more local partnerships with China poised to account for a third of car sales with each new vehicle featuring 1,000 semis.
June 12, 2014

Internet of Things: an opportunity, but for whom?

Building the internet of Things will demand collaboration and a healthy ecosystem
Article  |  Topics: Commentary, Conferences, Blog - Embedded  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
May 22, 2014

Imagination in push for Java and open source

Imagination Technologies has set up an open-source effort that mirrors ARM's Linaro group and cut a deal with Oracle for Java optimization.
April 16, 2014

FinFET variability issues challenge advantages of new process

Managing finFET variability issues without extending design times is key to extracting the most from the new processes, key players told a panel at the recent SNUG meeting in Santa Clara.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , , ,   |  Organizations: , , , ,
June 3, 2013

UPF group moves to consider system-power issues

The group that developed the IEEE 1801 Unified Power Format standard is looking to bringing power modeling and estimation to the system level for version 3.0, due in 2015.