May 4, 2017

Imagination to slim down to graphics core

Hit by the loss of major client Apple, Imagination Technologies plans to sell off its MIPS and Ensigma divisions. The move signals a shift away from previous plans to diversify out from graphics processors.
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June 10, 2015

TSMC adds Cadence and Imagination subsystems for IoT

Foundry strikes two more Internet of Things subsystem deals for its 55nm ULP process based on Cadence Tensilica and Imagination MIPS/PowerVR cores.
September 10, 2014

Foxconn’s wishlist for wearables and the Internet of Things

Manufacturing giant says we need a new category of WPUs - wearables processing units - to create a mass market and that ARM needs to go smaller than the MO.
May 22, 2014

Imagination in push for Java and open source

Imagination Technologies has set up an open-source effort that mirrors ARM's Linaro group and cut a deal with Oracle for Java optimization.