
December 10, 2012

Oxygen injection for go-faster 14nm transistors

Mears Technologies and UC Berkeley describe at IEDM 2012 how oxygen in a silicon superlattice could boost performance beyond strained silicon at 14nm.
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December 10, 2012

Germanium finFETs, TFETs and MEMS modelled at IEDM

The modelling track at IEDM 2012 showed how germanium could be used in 14nm finFETs. Other work focused on tunnel FETs and analyzing MEMS using Spice.
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December 4, 2012

FinFET tipsheet for IEDM

finFETs are vital to the next generation of CMOS processes from Intel, TSMC and others. How will process issues including bulk vs SOI substrates, density limitations, thickness control, and planar device integration affect their practical implementation?
October 15, 2012

FinFETs face planar fightback at IEDM

Advanced SOI devices with hybrid channel materials may challenge the finFET's future dominance, says IBM
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October 11, 2012

Intel, TSMC finFETs to star at IEDM

Intel finFET family grows to support SoC use, as TSMC boosts p-channel performance with germanium
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September 20, 2012

GlobalFoundries to go with finFETs at 14nm

GlobalFoundries has confirmed its 14nm process as the one that will see the foundry introduced finFET-based transistors, claiming that its approach is optimized for mobile devices
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August 6, 2012

Aart de Geus on the changing face of EDA

The president and co-CEO of Synopsys provides his take on the mounting influence of software and physical effects in the creation of SoCs.
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June 12, 2012

Doping gives finFETs threshold control

You want finFETs with different threshold voltages on the same SoC? Forget what the FD-SOI guys tell you: it's possible. At least with a certain amount of performance loss, say IBM and GlobalFoundries.
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June 11, 2012

Degrees of freedom for finFETs

FinFET or trigate structure provide a number of degrees of freedom in design in the battle against DIBL – and one of those dimensions is doping, Professor Tsu-Jae King Liu explained in a course ahead of the 2012 VLSI Symposia this week.
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June 4, 2012

DAC2012: Can FD-SOI shrink chips, solve FinFET issue for SoCs?

What are the chances that FD SOI will become a mainstream process for future nodes?
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