June 1, 2017

DAC 2017 preview: Synopsys

Synopsys has released details on its varied activities at DAC 2017, ranging from panels to technical papers.
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February 13, 2017

SPIE Advanced Lithography preview: Mentor Graphics

The major West Coast technical conference for lithography is just two weeks away and offers a packed agenda.
February 11, 2016

SPIE Advanced Lithography Preview: Mentor Graphics

The Calibre vendor will have a strong technical presence at the leading lithography conference taking place in late February in San Jose.
October 22, 2015

Ceva builds DSP chip and board for IoT prototyping

IP supplier CEVA has made a development platform intended to speed up the prototyping of IoT and similar devices based on its TeakLite-4 DSP core.
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June 10, 2015

TSMC adds Cadence and Imagination subsystems for IoT

Foundry strikes two more Internet of Things subsystem deals for its 55nm ULP process based on Cadence Tensilica and Imagination MIPS/PowerVR cores.
June 4, 2015

COMPUTEX 2015: Taiwan and mainland China face off in IoT platforms

It wasn't just ARM and TSMC that launched a 55nm IoT platform this week. Across the Taiwan Strait, Brite and SMIC have unveiled a similar offering. The competition could tell us a lot about the IoT market's future.
November 12, 2014

Chip tariff eliminated and the big winner is… China?

Not just Intel and TI but also Lenovo and Huawei have cause to welcome end to 25% import tax. And could it even help reinvigorate Chinese start ups?
July 4, 2014

Qualcomm takes 28nm to China in SMIC deal

Chinese foundry Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) is to get a helping hand to develop a production-class 28nm process from Qualcomm Technologies.
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May 22, 2013

DAC 2013 Preview IX: Manufacturability

A look at what you can learn about design for manufacturability and yield at this year's Design Automation Conference
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