DAC 2014

July 2, 2014

OpenPDK accelerates design kit production at ST

STMicroelectronics is using the OpenPDK standard from Si2 to speed up the production and delivery of process design kits (PDKs) and asks for wider adoption by foundries.
June 25, 2014

Don’t just whine – it’s time for you to help shape DAC 2015

Any conference can only be as good as the feedback it gets. And next year's DAC team is actively looking for yours. It'll be worth your time.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Blog - EDA, Embedded, IP, PCB  |  Tags: ,
June 10, 2014

Verilog-AMS release adds to power-aware analog modeling

Accellera has published version 2.4 of the Verilog-AMS standard for mixed-signal modeling and verification as the group works on a merger of the language with SystemVerilog.
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June 9, 2014

Applications won’t find all the bugs, but they have their uses

Can applications provide useful input for verification? They can but not when run straight out of the box, panelists at DAC 2014 said.
June 7, 2014

Intel’s security architect lays out protection plan

At DAC 2014, Intel’s chief security architect Ernie Brickell described the processor maker’s approach to protecting hardware and software from hacks and attacks.
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June 5, 2014

Cliff Hou, TSMC VP R&D, on the route to 10nm – and beyond

Head of TSMC R&D talks about what it will take to develop and use 10nm, 7nm processes, and a possible shift to using packaging to extend Moore's law scaling
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Design to Silicon  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations:
June 5, 2014

3D and EDA need to make up for Moore’s Law, says Qualcomm

Qualcomm is looking to monolithic 3D and smart circuit architectures to make up for the loss of traditional 2D process scaling as wafer costs for advanced nodes continue to increase.
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June 2, 2014

Chipmaking’s future: all of the nodes all of the time

The stall in Moore's Law caused by the rapid rise in cost of the advanced processes will shift more innovation to mature nodes Monday keynoters at DAC said.
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June 2, 2014

Synopsys uses virtual prototyping kits to kick start IP integration

Synopsys is porting its IP to a series of virtual prototyping kits in a plan to cut the amount of time that it takes to integrate new high-speed interfaces such as USB 3.0
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, Embedded, IP  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations:
June 2, 2014

Post-silicon devices: maybe it’s in the way they move

A research-focused session at DAC 2014 looks at using coupled oscillators rather than charge transfer to process data.
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