Research Groups

December 10, 2012

Oxygen injection for go-faster 14nm transistors

Mears Technologies and UC Berkeley describe at IEDM 2012 how oxygen in a silicon superlattice could boost performance beyond strained silicon at 14nm.
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December 10, 2012

Germanium finFETs, TFETs and MEMS modelled at IEDM

The modelling track at IEDM 2012 showed how germanium could be used in 14nm finFETs. Other work focused on tunnel FETs and analyzing MEMS using Spice.
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October 16, 2012

EDA and IP vendors roll out support for TSMC’s 20nm, 3DIC processes

IP and EDA vendors line up to support TSMC 20nm process, CoWoS 3DIC technology
October 5, 2012

IEF: Process kits for processes that don’t yet exist

Designers should plan ahead for future process changes as conventional silicon CMOS runs out of steam, IMEC's Rudy Lauwereins told delegates at the International Electronics Forum in Bratislava this week.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Design to Silicon, Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations: