Cadence Design Systems

June 3, 2019

Analyst: China’s foreign EDA thirst to grow despite trade tensions

Analyst Rich Valera points to China as a major source of EDA tool growth despite short-term tensions with the US government.
May 28, 2019

Cadence expands Protium for rack-based prototyping

Cadence has developed a version of its Protium prototyping engine that supports larger designs and which is intended to go into data-center racks.
May 8, 2019

Formal engines learn from experience

Cadence and OneSpin are applying various forms of machine learning to their tools to automate formal verification.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations: ,
April 2, 2019

Cadence presents plan for piecemeal cloud compute

Cadence has launched a web-based EDA service the company hopes will ease the transition from self-hosted computing to more flexible cloud-based development.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, PCB  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations:
February 1, 2019

Fast process access gets Moortec onto 7nm

Early access to tools for new processes is helping Moortec deliver IP to determine the real-time health of on-chip circuits.
October 31, 2018

Cadence adds deep-learning support to audio DSP

Cadence has added direct support for neural networks to the latest iteration of its DSP cores aimed at audio systems.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - Embedded, IP  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: ,
September 19, 2018

Cadence culls zeroes for faster neural throughput

Cadence has launched an AI processor using an designed to take advantage of the sparse structure of typical deep neural networks.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - Embedded, IP  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations:
July 5, 2018

Cloud makes hardware acceleration more accessible

After the moves by Cadence and Mentor, emulation in the cloud may only be the start of providing verification acceleration as a service.
July 2, 2018

Tools suppliers back version 1.0 of portable-stimulus standard

Accellera has published the first release of the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS), with tools suppliers following up with software support.
June 26, 2018

EDA learns to love AI

Machine learning is gradually moving into implementation and verification tools for EDA.