
October 23, 2013

3D-IC focus for GSA’s Taipei Memory+ event next week

Packed one-day event has speakers from Cadence, TSMC, Samsung, Amkor, Advantest and more providing a senior level view of making 3D-IC a reality. Registration closes soon.
June 3, 2013

Embedded world ‘needs EDA’s models’

The EDA industry has a way to capture the embedded software market, analyst Gary Smith said ahead of DAC. But it’s not through tools – it’s through models.
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May 22, 2013

Gartner: Multi-patterning here to stay, EUV lithography still 50:50

Plan around 193nm immersion lithography. Alternatives are years off and not guaranteed, says analyst group
Article  |  Topics: Design to Silicon, Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations:
May 21, 2013

DAC 2013: The Gary Smith EDA ‘what to see’ list is live

Whether your going to DAC 2013 or not, the EDA analyst's round-up is an invaluable guide to design trends and the tool vendors most actively addressing them.
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May 14, 2013

DAC 2013 Preview VI: CEO ‘visions’ added

Leaders from Cadence, Jasper, Mentor and Synopsys are late additions to DAC 2013, giving 15-minute pre-keynote talks previewing design's next half century.
January 23, 2013

Future Horizons: prepare for a tight 2014

Even though inventories are slack right, chipmakers could be struggling to find wafers in 2014.
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January 23, 2013

The silicon industry’s crunch time

Future Horizon’s forecast meeting for the first half of 2013 made it clear how the electronics sector and the semiconductor industry in particular is facing big problems.
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October 30, 2012

ESL must go ‘pay to play’ for growth: Gary Smith

You can now get a complete system-level flow, but bundling 'free' ESL with RTL tools slows the methodology shift, says the leading design analyst. Meanwhile, Cadence moves into the number two vendor slot, but the battle rages on.