
April 12, 2018

Free formal verification primer offered by Synopsys

Free e-book offers an introduction to formal verification methods for those who may be curious about the technique, or who need to understand its advantages and limitations in order to manage its use effectively.
Article  |  Topics: Product, Verification  |  Tags: ,   |  Organizations: ,
June 8, 2015

Synopsys to acquire Atrenta

Atrenta's SpyGlass line and others to be absorbed in Verification Continuum and Galaxy as part of EDA's latest major consolidation.
May 14, 2015

‘I Love DAC’ free exhibit-and-events pass deadline is Tuesday

May 19 is the deadline for 'I Love DAC' offering free access to exhibits and many events, panels and speeches at the 2015 Design Automation Conference.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Blog - EDA  |  Tags:   |  Organizations: , , ,
April 7, 2014
I heart DAC logo

DAC 2014 offers free exhibit entry for three days

The 51st Design Automation Conference, to be held in San Francisco in early June, is offering free exhibit floor entry for the full three days.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, IP, PCB  |  Tags:   |  Organizations: , ,
February 6, 2014

Cadence to buy Forte and build out HLS offering

EDA giant cites high-level synthesis' move into the mainstream as driven by IP integration challenges in striking deal for the HLS market leader.
May 14, 2013

DAC 2013 Preview VI: CEO ‘visions’ added

Leaders from Cadence, Jasper, Mentor and Synopsys are late additions to DAC 2013, giving 15-minute pre-keynote talks previewing design's next half century.
October 30, 2012

ESL must go ‘pay to play’ for growth: Gary Smith

You can now get a complete system-level flow, but bundling 'free' ESL with RTL tools slows the methodology shift, says the leading design analyst. Meanwhile, Cadence moves into the number two vendor slot, but the battle rages on.
May 29, 2012

DAC 2012: Atrenta to automate production of power-intent constraints

Atrenta is updating existing tools and planning new ones to help designers get the most bang for their joule.
Article  |  Topics: Commentary, Conferences  |  Tags: , , , , ,   |  Organizations: