
November 26, 2012

Graphics provide the push for NI’s readymades plan

National Instruments wants to shift the focus for many embedded systems designers away from hardware cost optimization towards graphical programming as a way of reducing the time it takes to get targets up, running and productive.
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October 11, 2012

Intel, TSMC finFETs to star at IEDM

Intel finFET family grows to support SoC use, as TSMC boosts p-channel performance with germanium
Article  |  Topics: Blog Topics, Commentary, Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
October 4, 2012

IEF: Achronix plans embedded FPGA push

Achronix plans to use the FPGA fabric that it has developed for standalone products to be fabbed through Intel as the springboard for an embedded-FPGA offering.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Design to Silicon, Blog - EDA, - General  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
August 6, 2012

TSMC joins Intel as ASML investor to accelerate availability of EUV, 450mm lithography

TSMC follows Intel in taking a stake in ASML to accelerate development of EUV and 450mm lithography equipment.
Article  |  Topics: Commentary, Design to Silicon  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
August 6, 2012

Aart de Geus on the changing face of EDA

The president and co-CEO of Synopsys provides his take on the mounting influence of software and physical effects in the creation of SoCs.
Article  |  Topics: Commentary, Design to Silicon, Blog - EDA, Embedded, - General, Verification  |  Tags: , , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
June 6, 2012

DAC 2012: Intel’s Ivy Bridge chip chop shop

Intel's Ivy Bridge series of processors were designed from the outset to be split apart and recombined to create variants of the base platform, Intel architecture project manager Brad Heaney explained during the Wednesday keynote session at DAC 2012.
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, Design to Silicon  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations:
June 5, 2012

DAC2012: Rethink tools licensing for cloud computing, EDA Industry told

Could more flexible licensing strategies for cloud-based EDA enable more efficient simulation and a new wave of business models?
Article  |  Topics: Conferences, General  |  Tags:   |  Organizations:
May 14, 2012

Intel’s tapered fin reveals short-channel issues

A startup has analyzed the shape of Intel's fins and found the process is not quite as well-behaved as circuit designers would perhaps like.
Article  |  Topics: Commentary, Design to Silicon  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: ,