static verification

May 3, 2021
Static checks May 2021

How automated static checks help verify complex circuits for better performance and reliability

Learn how power-intent, LDEs, ESD and voltage-aware spacing techniques can particularly benefit from the use of static verification checks.
February 29, 2016
How to expose X-optimism issues in ASIC and FPGA Design by Lisa Piper

How to expose X-optimism issues in ASIC and FPGA design

Static analysis offers a powerful way of identifying potential X-optimism problems before simulation. The article defines the issue and describes an established solution.
Article  |  Topics: EDA - Verification  |  Tags: , , , , ,   |  Organizations:
December 16, 2015
How to expose X-optimism issues in ASIC and FPGA Design by Lisa Piper

Fix X-pessimism in netlists with practical techniques

Traditional approaches do not catch all unknown state sources, lack capacity for big SoCs and mask bugs. Ascent XV addresses and overcomes these issues.
July 20, 2014
Rebecca Lipon is the senior product marketing manager for the functional verification product line at Synopsys. Prior to joining the marketing team, Rebecca was an applications engineer at Synopsys working on UVM/VMM adoption, VCS, VIP, static and formal verification deployments.

Rethinking SoC verification

The argument for an integrated approach to SoC verification