sensor hub

May 13, 2024

Dense packaging focus for ECTC

This year’s ECTC, held at the end of May, will continue its focus on the role of packaging in keeping silicon scaling on track.
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April 6, 2017

Leverage AI and centralized processing for L-5 autonomous vehicles

L-5 autonomous vehicles need centralized raw data analysis with machine learning to cope with the demands of ASIL-D functional safety. Mentor's response is DRS360.
October 10, 2016

Ceva aims to displace ARM in IoT nodes with combo processor

Ceva has decided to take its VLIW architecture into the world of IoT sensor nodes and smart wearables with the launch of the X1 processor core.
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October 2, 2014

ARM puts IoT operating system on roadmap in software drive

ARM is making a free operating system a cornerstone of its push into selling both more cores and server software to help manage them.
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October 1, 2014

The changes demanded by IoT design

Does the internet of things (IoT) require a change in design techniques? A number of people involved in the EDA industry reckon it does.
June 25, 2014

Sensor-hub infrastructure moves to open source

With the aim of accelerating the development of applications and algorithms that harness sensor fusion, startup Sensor Platforms has released as open source its Open Sensor Platform (OSP).
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