Applied and CEA-Leti team up for novel materials R&D

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: December 6, 2023
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Applied Materials and CEA-Leti have expanded their collaboration with the creation of a joint lab to develop materials useful for sensors, RF communications, and power, with a focus on heterogeneous integration.

The two organizations see demand for these materials being driven by industrial automation, the internet of things, electric vehicles, and green energy. The joint lab will use several of Applied Materials’ 200mm and 300mm wafer processing systems.
“Our work at the joint lab builds upon more than a decade of successful collaboration and further strengthens our combined ability to enable faster time to innovation for ICAPS chipmakers,” said Aninda Moitra, corporate vice president and general manager of Applied Materials’ business unit focusing on this sector.
Sébastian Dauvé, the institute’s CEO, added, “Past projects included work in domains such as advanced metrology, materials for memory applications and optical devices, bonding techniques, materials deposition and film growth, and chemical-mechanical planarization.

“In addition to developing differentiated technological solutions for Applied’s customers, the work performed at the joint lab will help overcome current technical hurdles in support of CEA-Leti’s internal R&D programs.”

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