
May 16, 2017

Cadence adapts Jasper tools for CDC and lint

Cadence has added two apps to its JasperGold lineup that handle clock-domain crossing and linting.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, - Verification  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations:
February 25, 2015

Real Intent updates linter for aviation, Mathworks and SystemVerilog

Ascent Lint adds checks for DO-254, tighter integration with HDL Coder, more SystemVerilog support and new VHDL and Verilog rules in March update.
June 2, 2014

Real Intent’s Pranav Ashar on converging design and verification

Verify early and simulate as little as possible - the idea is familiar but how do you get there?
May 24, 2014

Real Intent updates lint tool, adds Matlab and Simulink support

More lint rules, better SystemVerilog support, links to MATLAB and Simulink
Article  |  Topics: Product, Verification  |  Tags: , , , , ,   |  Organizations: