June 29, 2021
Shane Skinner is a Technical Marketing Engineer working on the Capital, VeSys, and Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design product lines withom the Integrated Electrical Systems segment of Siemens Digital Industry Software. Shane previously worked for Mentor supporting its PCB design products, Xpedition and PADS. He graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

How ECAD-MCAD integration tackles the challenges of next-gen design

Creating strong links between the electrical and mechanical design domains is a leading enabler of digitalization.
Expert Insight  |  Topics: Electrical Design, Mechanical design  |  Tags: , , , , , ,   |  Organizations:
June 28, 2019
ECAD-MCAD collaboration - featured image

The necessity and benefits of ECAD-MCAD collaboration for PCB design

Collaboration across the electrical and mechanical domains leverages more tightly integrated and highly featured tools with richer data formats for greater accuracy and shorter time-to-market.
June 30, 2014
Future of thermal simulation

The future of thermal simulation for electronics products

Complexity and the increasing use of thermal analysis software by non-expert designers demands new approaches for chip and PCB implementations.
January 16, 2012

Mechanical CAD integration

MCAD integration provides the means for designers to test the mechanical compatibility of a PCB design – for cooling performance as well as whether the layout will fit into an enclosure without problems.
Guide  |  Topics: PCB - System Codesign  |  Tags: , , , ,
November 1, 2008

Bridging the ECAD-MCAD gap

New tools and standards encourage communication between the electrical and mechanical domains, says Pawel Chadzynski. Most major electronics companies have separate electrical (ECAD) and mechanical (MCAD) design organizations. Efficient collaboration between these teams throughout the PCB design process can significantly reduce cycle times, lower the risk of re-spins, and improve quality. The first challenge to […]

Article  |  Topics: PCB - System Codesign  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: ,
September 1, 2008

Product development efficiency through ECAD-MCAD collaboration

In May 2008, the ProSTEP iViP Association released an agreed data schema and communication protocol to enhance collaboration between electrical and mechanical CAD tools (ProSTEP iViP Recommendation ECAD/MCAD, PSI 5). The article sets out the need for the new standards and how they deliver greater design effi ciencies than existing technologies, such as the IDF […]

Article  |  Topics: PCB - System Codesign  |  Tags: , , ,