IP Topics

August 19, 2015
Jai Durgam, Synopsys

Make vs buy in automotive IP

A look at some of the quality and safety requirements that must be met when developing and applying semiconductor IP to the automotive sector.
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June 25, 2015

Applying agile techniques to IC design

How agile methodologies can be applied to personal and team practice in IC design, including for developing cloud accelerators at Microsoft
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June 22, 2015

Verifying MIPI interfaces in SoCs

Verifying MIPI interfaces including CSI-2, CPHY, DPHY, MPY, Unipro and the UFS host controller on complex SoCs - should you make or buy the necessary VIP?
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May 6, 2015

Fixing late ECOs in ARM core subsystems at STMicroelectronics

Using equivalence checking to validate ECOs in ARM core subsystem development at STMicroelectronics
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April 20, 2015

Developing and integrating configurable GPU IP using FPGA-based prototyping

How Imagination Technologies used FPGA-based prototyping to develop its GPU IP and integrate it into a real world system
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April 20, 2015
Michael Thompson is the senior manager of product marketing for the DesignWare ARC processors at Synopsys

Neural networks bring advanced object detection to embedded vision

Dedicated processors using convolutional neural networking techniques bring advanced vision techniques such as object recognition to embedded systems.
February 27, 2015

Getting the most out of IP based FPGA design with Synplify

How Synplify makes it easier to use IP in FPGA-based designs, and package your own IP for secure reuse, on Altera and Xilinx devices
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February 24, 2015
Object-based audio allows individual positioning of each sound source.

Object-based audio demands higher-performance audio processors

High-performance audio processors will introduce consumers to an upgraded theater-quality audio experience.
January 30, 2015

Mixed-signal verification of advanced SoCs using VCS AMS

How ST Microelectronics uses Synopsys' VCS AMS, combining VCS functional verification and CustomSim, to verify one of its mixed-signal designs
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January 20, 2015
Veloce2 emulator

Assertion-based emulation

Combining assertion-based verification techniques with emulation makes for easier debug, better coverage and greater functional efficiency.