August 31, 2017
Ashish Darbari is CEO of formal verification consultancy Axiomise.

Doc Formal: The evolution of formal verification – Part Two

Doc Formal concludes his introduction to formal verification with a practitioner's view of the technology.
January 20, 2015
Veloce2 emulator

Assertion-based emulation

Combining assertion-based verification techniques with emulation makes for easier debug, better coverage and greater functional efficiency.
May 7, 2013
Graham Bell, RealIntent

Better analysis helps improve design quality

Better upfront analysis can help avoid propagating errors from RTL into the netlist, and reveal a number of ways to improve the quality of your final design.
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July 26, 2012

Synthesizing assertions into hardware for faster silicon debug

Assertions are already used in pre-silicon verification and can help halve debug time. So why not synthesize assertions into real logic gates in the final silicon, to catch those unexpected bugs that make validation so much harder? Here’s how.
Article  |  Topics: EDA - Verification  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations:
April 10, 2012

Using assertions in ‘elemental analysis’ for airborne hardware development – Part Two

The article continues the discussion of the verification requirements within the RTCA DO-254 design assurance guidelines. Part Two focuses on assertion-based verification. It proposes a method for using ABV to meet 'elemental analysis' requirements and underpin a systematic approach to robustness testing.
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February 28, 2012

Using assertions in ‘elemental analysis’ for airborne hardware development – Part One

This two-part article discusses the verification requirements of the RTCA DO-254 design assurance guidelines, including advanced methods for use on class DAL A/B designs. The first part provides a general overview. It also explains the original intent behind the concept of 'elemental analysis', how it is typically satisfied today with code coverage, and the limitations [...]
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