IC Implementation

July 31, 2013
Featured image of ASIC chip plot - Dot Hill case study

RAID vendor Dot Hill adopts OVM flow for reliability

How the company migrated to an OVM-based methodology to design and verify a 30 million-gate ASIC design, on the path to UVM.
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July 19, 2013
Cisco switch chip layout detail

Eliminating iterations in gigahertz ASIC handoff

How Cisco eliminated iterations in the ASIC handoff of a gigahertz networking chip by using physically aware synthesis
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June 2, 2013

IEEE 1801-2013 (UPF 2.1)

IEEE 1801-2013 updates and refines the Unified Power Format for low-power VLSI design, reflecting changes in power modeling and verification.
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May 29, 2013
FinFET capacitances diagram

How to design with finFETs

How to design with finFETs, including the impact on standard cells, IP, SRAM; the effects of fin quantization; extraction and parasitics; AMS issues and more.
May 8, 2013
3D-IC cross-section

Eight requirements for 3D-IC design

Many design teams are looking at ways in which they can make use of 3D integration. Here are eight requirements for an effective 3D-IC design flow.
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April 22, 2013
Layout segment showing problem of color splitting with double patterning

The five key challenges of sub-28nm custom and analog design

The arrival of the 20nm and finFET-based 14nm and 16nm processes bring with them challenges for custom IC design. These are the five key areas and a methodology that can address them.
April 17, 2013
Xilinx 3D-IC interposer featured image

3D-IC integration – a stepwise approach

2.5D-IC integration overcomes 2D limitations such as cost, offchip bandwidth bottlenecks and I/O pin scarcity, and offers a route to true 3D-IC integration.
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April 10, 2013
Marco Casale-Rossi is a senior staff product marketing manager in the Design Group at Synopsys.

Time to take up the 3D integration challenge

It’s time to take up the challenge of applying 3D integration technology to IC design. The manufacturing process technology is maturing, the tool chains are in place, and the opportunities to broaden your market by applying a new form of systemic integration are growing.
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April 9, 2013

How AMD implemented efficient clock gating analysis for Jaguar

The chipmaker used Calypto’s PowerPro to carry out power analysis of its latest core design at the RTL rather than at post-gate synthesis.
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December 12, 2012
Xilinx 3D-IC interposer featured image

Enabling 3D-IC design

Meeting the challenges of moving beyond planar integration to side by side, and eventually truly stacked, dice, for designers, tool vendors and the supply chain.
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