March 23, 2017
ARM and Tanner EDA aim to chart a path toward cheaper, easier to realize designs for the embedded and Internet-of-Things markets.
June 6, 2016
ARM aims to recruit more startups to develop IoT SoCs around the Cortex-M0 with design-house network and easier access to EDA tools.
March 24, 2015
Texas Instruments has launched a family of ARM-based microcontrollers intended to act as a migration path from its low-energy 16bit MSP430 series, developing its own flash-capable 90nm process to implement them.
January 19, 2015
Research by the University of Michigan into subthreshold circuit design has led to spinoff company Ambiq Micro creating a family of microcontrollers that it claims provide an ARM Cortex-M4F with power consumption at levels normally associated with an M0+.
June 17, 2013
Atmel has launched its first family of microcontrollers based on ARM's Cortex M0+ with features to ease PCB design and provide programmable serial ports.
May 8, 2013
ARM could see shipments of embedded processors based on its architecture begin to outpace its rump market in mobile within four years if growth continues at current levels.
March 13, 2012
ARM has found that in its work on processor design looking at the system-design and process issues as well as the way software interacts with the machine can yield surprising results.