
February 27, 2018
Gordon Cooper

Optimizing power and performance trade-offs in CNN implementations for embedded vision

High-performance vision-processing algorithms need optimized CNN engines to deliver the right performance within the power budget of embedded applications.
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February 23, 2018
Ashish Darbari is CEO of formal verification consultancy Axiomise.

Doc Formal: Living verification in the fast lane

Why is formal verification not getting the traction it should. The good doctor has some thoughts on that... and a new solution.
January 26, 2018
Ashish Darbari is CEO of formal verification consultancy Axiomise.

Doc Formal: When ‘silicon proven’ is not enough

If we thought about verfication-for-security in a different way, the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities could well have been avoided.
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January 15, 2018
Physical Verification Efficiencies - featured image

Three ways to lift productivity during physical verification

How to get the best PV results by reducing computational demands; handling data more efficiently and exploiting parallelization.
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January 2, 2018

Achieving ISO 26262 certification with ASIL ready IP

Achieving ISO 26262 certification for advanced driver assistance systems takes a combination of ASIL ready IP and rigorous development strategies.
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December 14, 2017
Architectural Formal Verification - introduction and case study by ArterisIP and Oski Technology

Case study: How to apply architectural formal verification to system-level requirements

Introducing one of the latest refinements of formal and showing how ArterisIP and Oski Technology used the strategy on an ARM-based design.
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December 5, 2017
Ashish Darbari is CEO of formal verification consultancy Axiomise.

Doc Formal: the crisis of confidence facing verification III

Ashish Darbari concludes his series on the need for new verification strategies by considering Debug and Signoff & Review.
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December 4, 2017
Richard Pugh featured image SSD expert insight

Data-hungry applications demand emulation

Richard Pugh shows how the fast-growing market for drone silicon highlights emulation's power where high data volumes are critical.
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November 29, 2017
Ashish Darbari is CEO of formal verification consultancy Axiomise.

Doc Formal: The crisis of confidence facing verification II

In part two of this series, Ashish Darbari introduces a checklist to address verification challenges and build the meta model.
November 24, 2017
John Ferguson is the Director of Marketing for Calibre DRC Applications at Mentor, a Siemens Business, in Wilsonville, Oregon, with extensive experience in physical design verification. He holds a BS degree in Physics from McGill University, an MS in Applied Physics from the University of Massachusetts, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology.

Assessing the true cost of node transitions

John Ferguson reviews the key capital metrics you need to review when deciding whether to move to a new process.