RTL simulation

August 21, 2015
Visual: cars speeding along a road

Why emulation performance doesn’t matter (on its own)

Emulation performance is a key metric in verification. But it is far from being the only consideration. How long it takes to get a design onto a verification platform and aspects such as debug are as important. These factors will control how verification platforms are deployed during a project's life cycle.
June 15, 2014
Chips on a wafer

Early tape-out: smart verification or expensive mistake?

Is it worth trying to iron out all the bugs in an SoC before taping out, or should design teams anticipating a re-spin go to silicon earlier and use the chips that come back as verification accelerators?
October 31, 2013

X propagation

X propagation within RTL simulations can hide fatal bugs. Uncovering and eliminating the effect improves design quality and avoids respins.
January 31, 2013
Balance image for Cadence AVIP article

Accelerated VIP solves firmware and driver integration and validation tradeoffs

Trying to balance your use of simulation and FPGA prototyping is tough. Acceleration used with Accelerated VIP offers simulation-like visibility and debug with near FPGA performance.
April 25, 2012
Mentor's Veloce emulator

Emulation delivers energy efficiencies and economies of scale

Can emulation save energy and space, as well as time, during the verification process? Some argue so.
September 10, 2010

Symbolic simulation speeds timing closure

Timing closure is a key challenge for today’s complex system-on-chip designs. Static timing analysis (STA) tools automatically analyze signal paths in a design and identify timing-critical paths that limit the clock frequency that can be achieved. Paths that can never be functionally activated or that require multiple cycles for correct operation can be identified as [...]
Article  |  Topics: EDA - Verification  |  Tags: , ,
June 1, 2010

Device native debug and verification for FPGA

GateRocket's RocketDrive facilitates integration of an FPGA into an HDL simulator to provide a "native" execution of a design on its target FPGA device. The companion RocketVision tool provides software-debugging capabilities that directly identify and enable the rapid resolution of bugs. This article considers the use of these tools in a "device native" verification and [...]
Article  |  Topics: EDA - Verification  |  Tags: , ,
May 1, 2009

Advanced RTL power-aware verification

Traditional verification tools struggle to deal with today’s increasingly sophisticated power management technologies. One major limitation is that they cannot deal with varying power states because they make a built-in assumption that devices are always fully powered on. Further, power-aware verification at the register-transfer level is proving increasingly problematic, although it is also becoming increasingly […]

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