
September 1, 2009

Implementing a unified computing architecture

Netronome offers a range of programmable Network Flow Processors, which deliver high-performance packet processing and are aimed at designers of communications equipment whose requirements extend beyond simple forwarding. Many network processors and multicore CPUs lack L4-L7 programmability or cannot scale to 10Gbit/s and beyond. Netronome’s flow processors are powered by 40 programmable networking cores that […]

September 1, 2009

Extending UPF for incremental growth

Erich Marschner Accellera’s Unified Power Format (UPF) is in production use today, delivering the low-power system-on-chip (SoC) designs that are so much in demand. Building upon that success, IEEE Std 1801-2009 [UPF] offers additional features that address the challenges of low-power design and verification. These include more abstract specifications for power supplies, power states, and […]

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September 1, 2009

Linux Nucleus… Or both

Until recently, operating system (OS) specification for embedded systems has been seen largely as an ‘either/or’ exercise. Similarly, OSs that have their foundations in the embedded market and those that have grown out of desktop computers have been seen as competing rather than complementary technologies. Cost and performance criteria within specifications will often lead to […]

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June 2, 2009

Part 2 – Parallel transistor-level full-chip circuit simulation

The paper presents a fully parallel transistor-level full-chip circuit simulation tool with SPICE accuracy for general circuit designs. The proposed overlapping domain decomposition approach partitions the circuit into a linear subdomain and multiple nonlinear subdomains based on circuit nonlinearity and connectivity. A parallel iterative matrix solver is used to solve the linear domain while nonlinear […]

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June 1, 2009

Computational scaling: implications for design

The article presents the context for the use of computation scaling (CS) to eke out more from existing lithography tools until next-generation techniques are finally introduced. It discusses the critical elements in the CS ecosystem developed by IBM and partners to overcome roadblocks to optical scaling that demand the use of non-traditional techniques for the […]

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June 1, 2009

Bridging from ESL models to implementation via high-level hardware synthesis

The article describes a methodology that bridges the gap between SystemC transaction-level models (TLMs) that are used for architectural exploration and SystemC cycle-accurate models of hardware that typically follow much later in a design flow, after many sensitive decisions have been made. The behavior of the cycle-accurate models can be verified in the complete system […]

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June 1, 2009

At the sharp end

The Design Automation Conference (DAC) returns to San Francisco’s Moscone Center, July 26th-31st, and it is hoped that its proximity to Silicon Valley will see attendances hold up well even in tough times. However, the organizers are looking to more than just geography to guarantee continued interest in chip design’s main annual gathering. This 46th […]

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June 1, 2009

Antenna design considerations

An overview of antenna design considerations is presented. These considerations include system requirements, antenna selection, antenna placement, antenna element design/simulation and antenna measurements. A center-fed dipole antenna is presented as a design/simulation example. A measurement discussion includes reflection parameter measurements and directive gain measurements. Antenna requirements Gain and communication range With the advent of prolific […]

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June 1, 2009

Why DAC and DATE still matter

Our preview of the forthcoming Design Automation Conference concentrates on the User Track that makes its debut there next month. Given that it shares many of the objectives behind this journal, that is hardly surprising. However, it is not the only aspect of DAC that merits investigation. Also in the program, conference chair Dr. Andrew […]

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June 1, 2009

Using TLM virtual system prototype for hardware and software validation

The article describes how a methodology based around scalable transaction level modeling (TLM) techniques can be used to enable software design to begin far earlier in a design fl ow and thus allow companies to bring designs to market faster, particularly in time-sensitive sectors. It is based on the creation of high-level hardware models that […]


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