Putting emulation on the map
Fully grounded
Why DAC and DATE still matter
Our preview of the forthcoming Design Automation Conference concentrates on the User Track that makes its debut there next month. Given that it shares many of the objectives behind this journal, that is hardly surprising. However, it is not the only aspect of DAC that merits investigation. Also in the program, conference chair Dr. Andrew […]
Accentuate the practical
When engineers discuss the status and value of the Design Automation Conference (DAC), one topic tends to recur. Fairly or unfairly, the claim is that there has long been an inherent tension between DAC the technical conference and DAC the exhibition. In short, the technical conference has been seen as biased toward tool developers; the […]
Broaden your perspective
Some 161 papers will feature during this year’s 44th Design Automation Conference (June 4-8) in San Diego with four strands at the forefront. System-level design (ESL), design for manufacturing/yield (DFM/DFY), low-power design and verification accounted for more than 40% of submissions this year, and the final line-up represents these topics in broadly similar proportion. For […]
DAC past, present and future
When I left the semiconductor industry to become an EDA Analyst, I was struck by two things. The first was the professionalism of the PR firms handling the EDA accounts. They not only did jobs that would be expected of them by silicon vendors, but also performed functions that we would consider part of a […]
Back on the bay
Ellen Sentovich As EDA Tech Forum went to press, the programme for 2006’s Design Automation Conference (July 24-28) in San Francisco was only just being made public. However, one thing was already clear. The event is set to be bigger than ever before. “We had been concerned about the move to July because of the […]