Registration opens for I Love DAC program
For the ninth year, I Love DAC badges will provide free access to the Design Automation Conference exhibition and pavilion sessions.
We’ve just heard from the Small Form Factor Special Interest Group (SFF-SIG) that the RS-DIMM rugged embedded memory featured in the latest print edition of Tech Design Forum and online has been renamed XR-DIMM (eXtreme Rugged Dual In-Line Memory Module) with immediate effect. Paul Rosenfeld, SFF-SIG’s president, says the change is intended to “reflect the […]
Much has been written about the impact of the Japanese earthquake on supplies for existing products—and that’s fair enough. It is the industry’s most immediate worry, although it seems to have receded somewhat in the last few weeks. But I still can’t help but also be concerned about what the disaster means for design. Rolling […]