Embedded World 2015

February 26, 2015

EEMBC launches expanded benchmark suite

The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC) has released a benchmark suite aimed at applications processors and higher-performance microcontrollers with floating-point units.
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February 26, 2015

Embedded world wakes up to security

Unsettled by attacks on embedded devices such as the point-of-sale terminals used by retailers such as Target and the potential for hackers to target critical infrastructure, the industry focused squarely on security at this year’s Embedded World in Nürnberg, Germany.
February 25, 2015

Cadence combines HLS tools in Stratus release

Cadence Design Systems has tied together the Forte Synthesiser and the internally developed C-to-Silicon tools into a new high-level synthesis (HLS) environment the company has titled Stratus.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA, IP  |  Tags: ,   |  Organizations:
February 24, 2015

All aboard the IoT starter kit bandwagon

A variety of organizations used Embedded World to introduce kits to attract a broader base of developers looking at Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
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February 24, 2015

Visual tool probes processor, memory and network use on embedded devices

Express Logic has developed a tool to monitor the real-time resource requirements of multithreaded embedded systems that lets designers tune task priorities, stack usage and other factors for improved efficiency and memory usage.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - Embedded  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations:
February 24, 2015

HCC adds web, mail, time services to ‘reliable’ network stack and extends flash support

HCC Embedded has extended the TCP/IP stack the company wrote using MISRA rules and formalized V-model processes to include web server, mail, time, and network management protocols.