schematics capture

May 30, 2017

How Mentor realized concurrent engineering for PCB design

The vendor's experiences in enabling concurrent engineering in Xpedition Enterprise contain lessons for all design disciplines.
June 5, 2016

Schematic capture moves to the web with browser engine

Concept Engineering is introducing a version of its Nlview family of automatic schematic generation products that runs inside a standard web browser.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations:
May 22, 2014

Mentor seeks component data in PCB design tie-up with Digi-Key

Digi-Key is to sell software developed by Mentor Graphics intended to widen access to PCB design and ease access to vital parts data.
Article  |  Topics: Blog - PCB  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: ,