DAC 2017 preview: Baum

By TDF Staff |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 16, 2017
Topics/Categories: Blog Topics, Conferences, Blog - EDA, - Product, RTL  |  Tags: ,  | Organizations: , ,

Emerging power solutions expert Baum will exhibit at the Design Automation Conference by being co-located in Verific’s DAC 2017 Booth (#639). Baum will demonstrate a soon-to-launch power analysis and modeling solution daily from 1:00-3:00PM.

Baum sees optimizing for energy efficiency as still one of the most underdeveloped slices of the EDA market. It aims to provide a high-speed, accurate solution that reaches across the demands of markets such as automotive, the Internet of Things, mobile, networking and server markets.

Its tool is designed for use earlier in the design cycle. This is when the company sees greater opportunities to optimize power in the context of hardware/software co-design for both greater efficiency and lower consumption. Better power and thermal management strategies are also available.

Baum’s automated solution supports dynamic and static power analysis, based on reading in RTL and netlist descriptions of a design.

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