Volume 4

June 1, 2007

Share and share alike

For a design targeted at the 130nm process node or below, the cost of a dedicated mask-set is getting brutal. At 130nm itself, a semiconductor company is likely to pay between $500,000 and $600,000 per set. That price tag rises to around $1m at 90nm, and to $1.5m at 65nm(Figure 2). One recent forecast for […]

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June 1, 2007

Shadow model and coverage driven processor verification using SystemVerilog

This paper describes a random test generation strategy we are using to complement the verification of upcoming generations of processor. SystemVerilog provided the means to define the functional coverage of our design and to employ the shadow modeling technique, significantly improving our verification flow. Shadow modeling is a reliable method for proving the functionality of […]

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March 1, 2007

System-level design matures

How do we bridge the gap between the highly abstract view provided by traditional system-level design and the detailed implementation in RTL? The article answers this question by describing the components within an ESL methodology and illustrating its use via customer case studies. The methodology uses the ARM RealView SoC Designer tool and Tenison Design […]

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March 1, 2007

Start Here

Look at what is supposed to be a stellar-performing market: displays. According to data from the Consumer Electronics Association, large screen plasma and LCDs are flying out of the stores.Yet the major suppliers spent much of Q4 2006 getting seriously beaten up on price. Moreover, the likelihood of a third technology entering that market, SED […]

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March 1, 2007

Scan infrastructure and environment for enhanced at-speed ATPG

A major issue faced by SoC design teams adopting 90nm and 65nm process nodes is the increase in yield fall-out. At 90nm it is estimated that 30% of yield fall-out is due to performance and signal integrity issues. As a result, accurate and cost effective at-speed manufacturing test and characterization has become evermore critical to […]

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March 1, 2007

Revealing the hidden cost of performance for physical verification

The increasingly onerous nature of physical verification at today’s nanometer process geometries requires the regular benchmarking of appropriate tools, if designs are to be realized in a cost-effective manner. However, the criteria for such benchmarking are all too often limited to relatively simplistic notions of ‘performance’. The article explains that the real cost of physical […]

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March 1, 2007

Re-evaluating the flow for package-aware chip design

Chip and package design are all too often still seen as separate stages in the design process. In today’s nanometer age and with the growing use of techniques such as system-in-package, this lack of integration can have catastrophic results. Package designers frequently encounter overly complex and un-routable silicon that requires multiple iterations to fix. Problems […]

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March 1, 2007

MPSoC demands system-level design automation

The relative performance of a single processor has leveled off in the last decade. Built-in instruction-level parallelism is becoming less efficient because issuing more than four instructions in parallel has little effect on most applications. Meanwhile, recent attempts to boost performance have come dangerously close to the energy/power consumption ceiling. Dedicated hardware accelerators may prove […]

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March 1, 2007

From A to B via Z

How important is it that the history of electronics is passed on from generation to generation of engineers in the ‘right’ way. OK, let’s acknowledge that, as in war, history is always dominated by the victors, not the losers. Let’s also admit that anyone with a career in this business wants its image to be […]

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March 1, 2007

Consumer market promises steady progress

US factory-to-dealer sales of consumer electronics will surpass $155B in 2007, representing 7% growth, according to the most recent forecast from the Consumer Electronics Association. This performance will follow on from an expected $145B market in 2006, a year which surpassed even the most optimistic forecasts by logging growth of 13%. “The industry outlook is […]

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