IEDM 2021 publishes course schedule

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: August 23, 2021
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Aiming for a primarily physical event in the fall, organisers of the 2021 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) have published the tutorial and short-core schedule.

The 67th annual IEDM is scheduled for December 11–15, 2021 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel under the theme “Devices for a New Era of Electronics: From 2D Materials to 3D Architectures” and is adopting the approach of organising the sessions around physical attendance with a plan to make resources available online to people who cannot attend in person.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated, the world is becoming increasingly reliant on electronic technologies. The good news is that the IEDM Tutorials and Short Courses will provide attendees with the invaluable knowledge and information needed to advance the state-of-the-art in critical areas of the field,” said Meng-Fan (Marvin) Chang, IEDM 2021 publicity chair, distinguished professor of electrical engineering at National Tsing Hua University, and director of corporate research at TSMC. “The opportunity to engage with the world’s technical leaders in these highly specialized areas is one of the hallmarks of the IEDM conference.”

Now in their 12th year of running, the 90-minute Saturday tutorial sessions on emerging technologies and specialized topics have become a hugely popular part of IEDM will provide introductions to a number of areas in semiconductor technology. They focus on transistor developments beyond the finFET, design-technology co-optimization, the challenges of 6G, machine learning in device modeling, nanometer-scale fabrication technologies, and the characteristics of gallium arsenide power devices.

On Sunday, December 12, there will be two full-day courses, one focusing on the scaling challenges of the next decade and the other on emerging technologies for low-power edge computing.

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