Integration & Debug

November 23, 2015

Enabling greater reliability, scalability and flexibility of GPU emulation at AMD using a hybrid virtual-machine based approach

How AMD coupled a virtual PC and transaction-based emulation to accelerate the verification of its latest GPU
October 21, 2015

FPGA-based prototyping 3: Which board do I need?

Part three of our series looks at the choices you face as you decide whether to build or buy a board.
September 28, 2015

FPGA-based prototyping 2: Understand the real cost

Part two of our series on FPGA-based prototyping looks at two critical factors to address before a project begins: budgeting and high-level implementation.
September 14, 2015
Simics - continuous integration prototype

Maximizing the benefits of continuous integration with simulation

Embedded systems developers are turning to agile techniques and continuous integration. To make these processes possible, you need an environment that supports easy access to virtual prototypes throughout the life cycle.
September 7, 2015

FPGA-based prototyping 1: What’s all this buzz about?

This multi-part series addresses various aspects of FPGA-based prototyping. Future installments will address budgeting and implementation, but we start by looking at why the technique is generating so much interest.
July 10, 2015
Jim Thomas is director of software testing at specialist test and verification company TVS.

What hardware verification can learn from software development

What hardware designers can learn from software verification techniques such as agile, behaviour-driven development, code coverage and zero known defect strategies
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January 20, 2015
Veloce2 emulator

Assertion-based emulation

Combining assertion-based verification techniques with emulation makes for easier debug, better coverage and greater functional efficiency.
November 6, 2014
Dr Lauro Rizzatti is an independent verification consultant. You can contact him at lauro AT rizzatti DOT com

The budget case for emulation

Need to convince your FD of emulation’s growing ROI and the need to invest? Click here and ‘Forward’
October 15, 2014

Accelerating ‘time to prototype’ with ProtoCompiler

A look at a tool and a flow that makes it easier to put designs on to a HAPS physical prototyping system for verification, debug and software development purposes
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August 19, 2014
ZeBu server

Hybrid emulation for development, validation and verification

This article introduces hybrid emulation, a combination of emulation and virtual prototypes, and its application to tasks such as architecture validation, early software development and software-driven verification.