IEDM looks for papers across 2D devices to 3DICs

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 4, 2021
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The 67th annual IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) has issued a call for papers, looking for work in an area that now spans novel 2D materials and 3D integrated devices.

The committee for the 2021 IEDM is planning the event to be an in-person conference, taking place December 11–15, 2021 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel. The conference will offer in-demand access after the event for those who are unable to travel.

Meng-Fan (Marvin) Chang, IEDM 2021 publicity chair, distinguished professor of electrical engineering at National Tsing Hua University, and director of corporate research at TSMC, said, “Should an in-person meeting not be feasible, IEDM will go fully virtual. Additional details will be made available later this year.”

The paper submission deadline is Friday, July 23, 2021. Authors are asked to submit four-page camera-ready papers. A few late-news papers also will be accepted, covering only the most recent and noteworthy developments, with acceptance up to August 30, 2021.

“Our theme this year was chosen to emphasize the many changes sweeping across the electronics industry and the diverse technologies that are enabling them,” said Srabanti Chowdhury, IEDM 2021 publicity vice chair and associate professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University.

The conferences encourages submissions in all areas, with special emphasis on topics that include neuromorphic computing, quantum computing, RF and terahertz applications, leading-edge processes, and non-charge-based devices, as well as 2D materials and heterogeneous integration.

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