IEDM switches to virtual format for 2020

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 24, 2020
Topics/Categories: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , , , ,

The organizers of the upcoming IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) have decided to hold the conference virtually this year.

Although the conference looked as though it could go ahead in a physical format in December this year, the ongoing uncertainties around the COVID-19 pandemic have convinced the organizers to opt for an online-only conference, similar to the VLSI Symposia and others held recently.

The virtual 2020 IEDM is scheduled for December 12–16, 2020, and both live and recorded sessions will be used to showcase and discuss the world’s best original work in all areas of microelectronics research and development.

“The IEDM executive committee has decided that in the interest of prioritizing the health and safety of the scientific community, a virtual approach is the best option for this year,” said Dina Triyoso, IEDM 2020 publicity chair and technologist at TEL Technology Center.

More details about the 2020 IEDM will be announced in late summer.

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