Matlab links up with Virtuoso for circuit analytics

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: May 17, 2017
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Cadence Design Systems and The Mathworks have implemented the first phase of an integration program to link tools such as Virtuoso ADE to Matlab.

The initial integration is designed to make it easier to pull analytics from mixed-signal simulations to support data mining and automate the evaluation of circuits across process corners and operating conditions.

“A lot of folks have created circuit-performance analysis scripts in Matlab,” said Steve Lewis, product marketing director in Cadence’s custom IC and packaging group.

The integration makes it possible to automate routines such as the running of custom scripts after each simulation run using the PSpice engine. Work is continuing on integrating other tools, such as Innovus, with Matlab

“There is a phase-two part of this project where we are looking at how we bring Spectre in,” Lewis added.

Arun Mulpur, worldwide industry group manager at The Mathworks, said: “At a business level, this is a journey. We are trying to identify use-cases [for integration].”

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