OMG adopts portable image and signal processing libraries

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: October 12, 2012
Topics/Categories: Commentary, Blog - Embedded, - Standards  |  Tags: , , ,  | Organizations:

The Object Management Group (OMG) has adopted the Vector Signal and Image Processing Library (VSIPL) for C and VSIPL++ for C++ as official specifications, a decision that should enhance the libraries’ position as standard offerings for portable middleware for accelerated graphics and image processing.

The specifications provide an abstraction layer for real-time image- and signal-processing applications so that code can be mapped onto different target hardware platforms. Versions of VSIPL++ have been demonstrated on hardware that includes multicore-processor, graphics-processor (GPU) and programmable-logic (FPGA) execution fabrics. The VSIPL standards have been developed for more than a decade with multiple implementations and are being used in mission-critical applications all over the world.

“The increased development of high performance computing applications on embedded systems has resulted in growing interest in VSIPL++,” said Glenn Perry, general manager of Mentor Graphics’ embedded software division. “The adoption of the VSIPL++ standard by an open and active global standards body, such as OMG, strengthens VSIPL++ and enables broader ongoing adoption.”

Richard Mark Soley, chairman & CEO of OMG, said the decision to adopt VSIPL and VSIPL++ provided an example of the group “integrating work done in another setting – the HPEC-SI consortium – in a very rapid process, focusing not so much on the creation of a standard but on the creation of a market ecosystem of product implementations, open source, training, education, certification, books & conferences that make adoption of the VSIPL and VSIPL++ cost-effective and future-proof.”

Work on moving the specifications to OMG governance began in March 2012 and was led by Mentor Graphics, RunTime Computing Solutions, MITRE as well as the group that managed development of the two libraries for the past ten years, the High Performance Embedded Computing Software Initiative (HPEC-SI).

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