Accellera group formed to work on federated simulation

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: August 22, 2023
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Accellera Systems Initiative has formed a working group to look at the possibility of creating a standard for federated simulation, to help support the development of systems-of-systems and projects that need the cooperation of multiple partners.

“A group of Accellera members have been part of a larger exploratory team looking at cross-industry collaboration to exchange knowledge and best practices,” said Accellera chair Lu Dai. “The objective of the proposed working group is to identify industry interest and consolidate the requirements to drive standardization and development of an open API and federated-simulation ecosystem.”

Martin Barnasconi, Accellera technical committee chair and chair of the proposed working group, added, “The intent of the proposed standard is to facilitate the creation of a distributed and orchestrated multi-domain simulation framework, compatible with and complementary to existing approaches used in different industries and sectors.

“A standardized communication interface will enable interoperability of virtual modeling, simulation, and integration throughout the product lifecycle. In parallel to the efforts of the proposed working group, we target establishing an industry-funded project under definition by the Institute for Research and Technology Saint Exupéry in Toulouse, France. We look forward to the input from the industry during this initial standardization phase.”

The first meeting of the proposed working group will be held over two days in Toulouse, France. On Monday, September 25 attendees are invited to present use cases, requirements, and expectations of the standard. Tuesday, September 26 will focus on the organizational aspects and intended alignment with other project initiatives or organizations, such as IRT Saint-Exupery, Eclipse Foundation, and Linaro. Participants do not need to be from Accellera member companies.

Companies that have shown initial interest include Airbus, AMD, Aptiv, AVL, Bosch, Cadence Collins Aerospace, IRT Saint-Exupery, NXP, Qualcomm, Shokubai, and Spacebel.

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