IEDM to celebrate 75 years of the transistor

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: May 23, 2022
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Recognizing the 75th anniversary of the transistor in December, the 68th annual IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) has taken on the theme of looking at “transformative devices to address global challenges”.

The 2022 IEDM is being planned as an in-person conference December 3-7 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel, adding on-demand access to recorded presentations after the event for those unable to travel due to COVID-19 restrictions. The conference organizers have issued a call for papers with a deadline of Friday, July 14, 2022.

Authors are asked to submit four-page camera-ready papers. Accepted papers will be published as-is in the proceedings. A few late-news papers also will be accepted, covering only the most recent and noteworthy developments. The late-news submission deadline is August 22, 2022.

As with previous years, the device conference features a technical program of more than 220 presentations, panels, focus sessions, tutorials, short courses, supplier exhibits, IEEE/EDS award presentations, and other events highlighting the industry’s best work. To support the theme, the conference is putting emphasis on submissions that looking at neuromorphic, quantum, and non-charge devices including DNA-based techniques, as well as topics that cover RF, optoelectronics, 3D integration, power, sensing, and reliability and resilience.

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