Accellera publishes beta portable-stimulus proposal

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: February 28, 2018
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The Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG) has released for public review its current proposal for the verification standard it is working on.

The beta release includes additional work done by the PSWG since the release in June last year of the early-adopter version, reflecting progress on a wide range of issues to improve the standard, including user feedback.

The Portable Test and Stimulus Standard defines a domain-specific language (DSL) and an accompanying semantically equivalent C++ library to create a single representation of stimulus and test scenarios. The intention is to provide stimulus scenarios that can be used by a variety of users across different levels of integration under different configurations.

In publishing a beta version of the standard, the group wants to receive public feedback so it can apply changes and to build in enhancements before version 1.0 publication.

Enhancements to the beta version being worked on by the PSWG are: enhanced control of random selection and scheduling of actions; enhanced coverage constructs for coverage of flows, action scheduling, and resource utilization; improved features to handle hardware-software interface and product configurable features; better modeling of memory management; the inclusion of additional data types; and enhanced conditional code processing.

The Public Review Period will be open until Friday, March 30, 2018 and feedback should be delivered through the Accellera Portable Stimulus Forum.

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