Safety compliance in hardware and software development focus of online/Munich conference

By Luke Collins |  No Comments  |  Posted: April 30, 2015
Topics/Categories: Blog Topics, Conferences, Standards, Verification  |  Tags: , , , , ,  | Organizations: ,

Safety compliance in hardware and software development will be the focus of a conference being held in Munich, Germany, and online, on 18 May.

The conference will help companies working in the automotive, avionics, rail, medical, nuclear, and similar markets to understand the implications of these industries’ strict safety standards and how to comply with them.

It is being organised by TVS , formal-verification experts OneSpin and software-tooling experts Emenda.

The conference will cover aspects of both the hardware and software development processes, and how they can be made compliant with standards such as ISO26262, DO254, and DO178, etc.

Among the presentations at the conference will be:

  • Keynote speaker Holger Busch, senior staff engineer at Infineon, on how formal verification can enhance automotive safety flows.
  • OneSpin will discuss using formal verification techniques to exhaustively examine a design, and handle its fault-tolerant components in a manner consistent with ISO 26262. OneSpin will share practical examples of applying formal techniques to safety-critical components, and coupling this approach with the overall system verification flow.
  • Emenda will discuss a pioneering approach to testing safety-critical software that combines the latest techniques in static analysis, dynamic testing, software security, architecture and metrics into an integrated analysis platform. The presentation will focus on how to achieve compliance to safety standards such as ISO26262, DO-178B and EN-61508 in a faster, more reliable and more automated way. It will examine the current bottlenecks and look at state of the art solutions as well as reflect on future trends and developments in the verification and validation of embedded software.
  • TVS will bring everything together through a discussion of requirements-driven test and verification using its asureSIGN tool,  which combines hardware simulation, OneSpin formal verification results and the results of software tests from the tools demonstrated by Emenda. TVS will demonstrate how asureSIGN provides both support for both standards compliance and effective verification management.

The free conference will take place on Monday 18 May at The Holiday Inn in Munich, Germany, and online, from 10.00 to 13.00 CEST. Details and registration can be accessed here.

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