DATE 2012: Coverage roundup
This page brings together all of our onsite coverage from Design Automation and Test in Europe 2012, which just wrapped in Dresden, Germany.
Tuesday, March 13
Three ways to tackle design complexity
Panel pushes more abstraction, subtler synthesis and more organization.
Forget automation, give us acceleration
Better scripts needed to support analog layout tools.
Stack those servers high
EU sees a window of opportunity in web and cloud-driven HPC.
Collaboration key to advanced process nodes
GlobalFoundries’ SVP for design enablement underlined the need for joint foundry-IP-EDA cooperation to overcome complexity.
Mentor adds pattern recognition to GlobalFoundries’ DRC flow
Partners claim yield boost for pathfinder customers on Calibre-based platform at 45/40 and 32/28nm.
Wednesday, March 14
EDA for the rest of us
Old processes don’t mean old tools, especially given the work ahead on more-than-Moore, 3D IC technologies.
Thursday, March 15
Electric motion
Heat is becoming a problem as Robert Bosch plans for a lot more electronics in cars but not necessarily a lot more electric cars.
Constraints smooth path for FPGA synthesis
Blue Pearl takes timing analysis technology to programmable logic through hooks into Synopsys Synplify Pro and plans more.
Friday, March 16
Aldec builds in more support for VHDL methodology
Riviera-Pro adds several language features from IEEE 1076-2008 to support the OS-VVM verification methodology.
Help for heat sensitive chips
Docea Power aims to help designers assess the vulnerability of a chosen package and floorplan to heat-generated problems.