March 6, 2014
In a standing-room-only talk at the recent DesignCon conference, Eric Bogatin explained why comedian Henny Youngman could help them with signal integrity on PCBs.
October 27, 2013
Forty six companies have joined the consortium developing the increasingly important IPC-2581 data transfer standard for PCB designs.
May 8, 2013
Electrical rule checks (ERC) are now available to deal with increasing PCB design complexity, speed project delivery and protect the intellectual property within them.
April 10, 2013
An increasingly important concept in design is that of product creation. An approach based on product creation looks beyond chip or board design.
October 23, 2012
Early use of design for manufacturing can capture PCB yield issues related to pads, copper distribution, same net slivers and more
August 6, 2012
Speeding up electronics design by learning lessons in increasing parallelism from computer science.
June 4, 2012
A side-channel attack is a form of reverse engineering that takes advantage of the information leakage from electronic circuitry. And it is a major risk to design security.
April 5, 2012
Advanced PCB and IC technologies have to be matched with advanced design and analysis tools if companies are going to produce board designs that are right first time, on time.
March 7, 2012
‘Envelope tracking’ is not a new technique; it has been known about for more than 50 years. But it could greatly help the power consumption challenges once more facing mobile handset design.
January 16, 2012
MCAD integration provides the means for designers to test the mechanical compatibility of a PCB design – for cooling performance as well as whether the layout will fit into an enclosure without problems.