2020 VLSI Symposia to look at the next 40 years

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: November 19, 2019
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Having provided a forum for describing the progress of process technology and circuit design for four decades, the organizers of the 2020 Symposia on VLSI Technology & Circuits are asking presenters to look at the coming 40 years.

The main theme at the symposia, taking place in Honolulu in mid-June next year is titled “The next 40 Years of VLSI for ubiquitous intelligence”. The two side-by-side symposia expect to focus on technologies for areas such as machine learning, IoT, artificial intelligence, wearable/implantable biomedical applications, big data, cloud and edge computing, virtual reality, augmented reality, robotics, and autonomous vehicles. The organisers are looking for papers focusing on technical innovation and advances that support those areas in addition to core areas of coverage, including CMOS, RF integration, packaging and 3D-system integration, photonics, and ‘beyond CMOS’ devices. The deadline for paper submissions to both Symposia is February 10, 2020.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers that showcase innovations that encompass “big integration,” extending beyond single devices or ICs and into the module level, with co-optimization of device technology and circuit/system design. As with previous years, there will be joint technology and circuits focus sessions to let attendees look at topics of common interest between the two areas.

The symposia program features technical presentations, a demonstration session, evening panel discussions, joint focus sessions, short courses, and an all-day “Friday Forum” provides a focused discussion on a specific topic relevant to the symposia theme. A single registration enables participants to attend both symposia.

Special events at the symposia include an evening reception and joint banquet celebrating the past 40 years of technology and circuit progress, as well as a look ahead to the next 40 years of innovations. Also, the IEEE Electron Devices Society and the Solid State Circuits Society will hold mentoring events for Women in Engineering and Young Professionals.

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