DAC to colocate with Semicon West next year

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 4, 2019
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SEMI and the Design Automation Conference (DAC) have agreed to schedule the US event for EDA alongside Semicon West in 2020 and 2021.

DAC’s sponsors, the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA) and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (IEEE CEDA), agreed to an initial two-year commitment with SEMI to co-locate DAC with the San Francisco-based Semicon West show, held a month later than DAC’s normal dates.

“DAC looks forward to exploring our synergies over the next two years where electronic design and automation meets electronics manufacturing,” said Sharon Hu, ACM SIGDA chair.

SEMI is the organizer and producer of Semicon West as well as six additional Semicon conferences held around the world. In July 2020 and July 2021, DAC will provide a technical conference and exhibit centred around electronic design and automation from chips to systems.

“It’s a pleasure to announce that DAC, noted for more than 55 years for its technical excellence in design automation, will be co-located with Semicon West,” said David Anderson, president of SEMI Americas. “With DAC co-located with Semicon West, the link between the electronic system and semiconductor design community and the electronic product manufacturing supply chain will become even stronger.”

Anne Cirkel, senior director of technology marketing for Mentor, a Siemens business, added: “We are excited to see two major industry events colocating in San Francisco. It’s a win-win situation for our customers, Semicon West, and DAC. The colocated event will provide our customers access to a comprehensive range of design and manufacturing technologies. In addition, DAC will bring a brand-new audience to Semicon West while DAC attendees and exhibitors will benefit from the additional executive management exposure of industry leaders that attend Semicon West every year.”

Dave DeMaria, corporate vice president of marketing, Synopsys, noted: “This is great news for our customers. The colocation of these events will provide our customers with access to all the leaders across the entire design and manufacturing supply chain and ecosystem at a single location and time, and it will create a broader and richer experience.”

Nimish Modi, senior vice president of marketing & business development at Cadence, said: “Colocation is mutually beneficial for both DAC and Semicon West, providing our customers with a centralized location that enables them to gain broader exposure and expand connections across the entire design and manufacturing ecosystem.”

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