VLSI Symposia adds day for AI
June’s Symposia on VLSI Technology & Circuits will bring together a number of industry trends that extend from implantable biomedical applications to machine learning and cloud computing under the banner of technologies for ‘smart living’.
Taking place in Hawaii from June 19-22, the conference will add a Friday Forum on machine learning to the regular schedule of plenaries, panels, research papers, and short courses.
“This year’s Technology program is focused on the critical building blocks needed to realize a truly integrated IoT,” said Mukesh Khare, Symposium on VLSI Technology general chair. He pointed to advanced memory technologies for low-power-sensors, AI and machine learning, the development of neuromorphic computing in addition to supercomputing coupled with CMOS scaling beyond 5nm as highlights of the technology program.
“The circuits program will examine how the next wave of computing systems need to be designed to realize the potential of AI, machine learning, SOC technology, wearable/implantable biomedical systems, and the IoT,” said Gunther Lehmann, Symposium on VLSI Circuits general chair. “A demonstration session that showcases real-life applications is designed to enable conference participants to see these innovations first hand.”
The Symposia will also include a series of joint focus sessions that include invited and contributed papers on topics of mutual interest to both technology and circuit attendees. As part of the Symposia program, these joint Technology & Circuits focus sessions enable participants to engage in meaningful interaction with their colleagues in different disciplines. In addition, there will be a joint evening panel session by leading industry experts to address critical issues surrounding major industry developments. Completing the joint Symposia program will be a series of nine presentations comprising the Friday Forum on machine learning.
The annual Symposium on VLSI Technology & Circuits will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu, Hawaii from June 19-21, 2018, with Short Courses held on June 18 and a special Friday Forum dedicated to machine learning/AI topics on June 22. A single registration enables participants to attend both Symposia.