Speedy software creation to show off custom-tool possibilities

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 7, 2015
Topics/Categories: Blog - EDA  |  Tags: , , ,  | Organizations: ,

Invionics will be using its software environment to create a custom tool within just two days at the 52nd DAC.

The company is collecting suggestions and votes on the first day of DAC for a custom front-end EDA application. All reasonable suggestions will be accepted as “creating a full SystemVerilog simulator in 48 hours might be a bit of a stretch”, the company said.

At 2pm on Monday the company will pick the app with the most votes and put two of the company’s developers in Vancouver to work on the idea. They will have 48 hours to build the winning app idea so that the app can be demonstrated live at the booth on Wednesday, June 10 from 2pm until the trade show closes at 6 pm.

Visitors can stop by booth #2507 to make an app suggestion or submit one via the blog comments, or at Twitter @Invionics. Twitter entries should used the hashtag #Invio48. The author of the winning idea will win an iPad 2.

In time for the show, Invionics has added support for Verilog-AMS to it Invio platform. The module supports automatic test generation, translation of Verilog-AMS based designs to other languages, such as SystemVerilog, Matlab, or C, as well as the linting and quality checking of Verilog-AMS designs.

Concept Engineering updates

Fellow custom-tool specialist Concept Engineering has also updated its suite of engines. Enhancements in the version 6 platform include improved netlist pruning not just for Verilog and SPICE but the post-layout formats, DSPF and SPEF.

Version 6.0 also improves visualization for the debugging of post-layout parasitic networks as well as the API for the database and GUI engines.

Concept Engineering is on booths #2208 and #2210 at DAC 2015

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