
December 14, 2010

An introduction to System Verilog assertions

Assertions and assertion-based verification (ABV) are hot topics, but many engineering teams remain unfamiliar with the benefits they bring to the design and verification process. This article discusses the rationale behind them, the value they bring across the design and verification process, and offers a step-by-step approach to implementing them.
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September 10, 2010

Symbolic simulation speeds timing closure

Timing closure is a key challenge for today’s complex system-on-chip designs. Static timing analysis (STA) tools automatically analyze signal paths in a design and identify timing-critical paths that limit the clock frequency that can be achieved. Paths that can never be functionally activated or that require multiple cycles for correct operation can be identified as [...]
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September 2, 2009

Part 3 – A unified, scalable SystemVerilog approach to chip and subsystem verification

The article describes LSI’s work on the use of a single SystemVerilog-based (SV) verification environment for both the chip and its submodules. The environment is based on SV’s Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM) libraries, although alternatives are available. One particular reason for choosing AVM was that LSI wanted to leverage its transaction-level modeling capabilities as well […]

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March 1, 2008

How VHDL designers can exploit SystemVerilog

SystemVerilog, the standard that originated from Accellera and is now IEEE1800, is not just for Verilog users. VHDL users can also improve their design processes using its proven verification features. Anyone involved in systemon- chip (SoC) design may face a mixed-language environment and will appreciate being able to leverage SystemVerilog with the VHDL portions of […]

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March 1, 2006

Integrated, comprehensive assertion-based coverage

Introduction The emergence of the SystemVerilog and PSL assertion languages promises to improve the effectiveness of existing verification flows. First, assertions give better local observability of the functionality they represent. Second, the assertions augment the textual specification to provide a more formal, executable representation of the functionality. Third, since the assertion languages have common semantics […]

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