Accellera moves to working-group stage for functional-safety standard

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: February 18, 2020
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Accellera Systems Initiative has set up a working group with the aim of developing interoperability standards for functional safety.

The charter of the Functional Safety Working Group is to create a standard that improves interoperability and traceability in the functional safety lifecycle, specifically targeting analysis, design, verification and implementation operations and related safety work products. The group will hold a birds of a feather session at the upcoming DVCon in the US.

“We have had tremendous participation and input from the community since the formation of our proposed working group,” said Accellera chair Lu Dai. “The industry is eagerly awaiting a standard that unifies functional safety best practices into an industry-agreed methodology supported by a functional safety format. We encourage anyone interested in contributing to advancements in this area to join us and help develop and shape this important standardization initiative.”

Alessandra Nardi, working-group chair, said one outcome they are aiming for is to better integrate analysis methods such as FMEDA, DFA and FTA, as well as supporting a functional safety-aware design and verification flow that works across the supply chain. “Enabling functional safety is a fascinating multi-disciplinary challenge which significantly benefits from alignment and standardization across the supply chain involving different industries and domains.”

The formation of the working group is the follow-up of a proposed working group that assessed the need for a standardized language or format to specify functional safety information and enable interoperability. Industry leaders from 19 companies have already committed to join, and will take part in regular teleconferences.

The Functional Safety Working Group will meet regularly via teleconferencing. The next face-to-face meeting will be held the week of March 30 in Austin, Texas. The DVCon BoF session takes place on Monday, March 2 from 6:30-7:30pm in the San Jose Room. During the BoF, the ongoing activities of the Functional Safety WG will be discussed along with a Q&A with attendees interested in joining the development of this new standard.

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