FinFET father headlines Mentor’s west coast user conference

By Paul Dempsey |  No Comments  |  Posted: April 10, 2013
Topics/Categories: Conferences, Blog - EDA, Embedded, PCB  |  Tags:  | Organizations: , ,

Dr Chenming Hu, leader of the UC-Berkeley team that developed the finFET, will discuss going beyond the technology he helped create (and which is just entering widespread use) as the main speaker at the west coast edition of Mentor Graphics’ User2User conference on April 25.

The event will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, with Dr Hu due to give the lunchtime keynote at 1pm. Morning keynotes will come from Mentor CEO and chairman Wally Rhines, discussing successes in cross-disciplinary product development, and Xilinx SVP Victor Peng, reviewing heterogenous architectures and the next steps in integration.

The lifeblood of U2U remains the technical strands and these will range across Mentor’s product portfolio with separate strands for:

  • Calibre
  • Custom IC/AMS
  • Emulation
  • Functional verification
  • PCB flow
  • Place & route
  • Silicon test & yield analysis

Click on the links above for access to the abstracts on the various presentations in each strand.

User 2 User will also roll out editions later this year in Laurel, Maryland (May 7th) and Munich, Germany (October 17th). Registration for Laurel is already open. The call for papers in Munich is open until June 21st.

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