Mentor releases third gen Nucleus RTOS

By Paul Dempsey |  No Comments  |  Posted: October 20, 2011
Topics/Categories: Blog Topics, Blog - EDA, Embedded, - General  |  Tags: ,

Mentor Graphics’ Nucleus real-time operating system (RTOS) is already used in more than 2.3B handsets worldwide as well as a wide range of other markets and is now available in its third generation version.

Key features of this release include:

  • built-in power management that exploits hardware design techniques such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling;
  • a certified IPv6-ready networking stack and security protocols;
  • integration into the Mentor Embedded Nucleus ReadyStart platform; and
  • a new configuration technology for the rapid customization of system requirements.

The power management feature can execute complex tasks (e.g., changing system states, switching operating points) through single API calls. This greatly reduces code size and maintenance while encouraging portability and re-use.

Alongside IPv6, Nucleus also includes support for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Zigbee as well as other communications protocols.

ReadyStart brings together a wide range of  software IP, developer tools, and services to provide a single ‘ready-to-use’ solution for applications where fast boot time, deterministic performance, and small code size are essential.

Specific ReadyStart components include the Mentor Embedded Sourcery CodeBench technology, a GNU-based integrated development environment (IDE), and the Mentor Embedded Inflexion UI tool for dynamic 2D/3D user interface creation

The company says that the platform allows developers to create board-specific application development environments in just ten minutes.

The Nucleus RTOS supports all the leading architectural and processor families, including ARM, MIPS, Power PC, and SuperH, as well as DSPs and soft processor cores on FPGAs.

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