Verific buys rapid tool development platform

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 13, 2017
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Verific Design Automation has acquired the Invio custom-tool development environment developed by Vancouver firm Invionics Software and launched two-and-a-half years ago.

The acquisition includes an R&D group, which will join Verific’s engineering department. The move is intended to give Verific users a simpler development and rapid prototyping option for custom EDA tools. The Invio platform was built using Verific’s parser technology, incorporating a scripting engine, GUI builder and functions often needed in EDA tools, such as HDL and netlist inspectors.

At a demonstration at DAC two years ago, Invionics set itself the challenge of building an EDA tool in 48 hours based on a suggestions and a vote by visitors to the exhibition floor. The result, unveiled on the third day of the show, was an RTL power-aware analyzer intended to show logic hotspots and show possible avenues to reduce toggle rates.

“We’re pleased to be able to offer our users added capabilities with the Invio APIs to accelerate their next EDA product or custom tool development,” said Rob Dekker, Verific’s founder and chief technology officer.

“Verific and Invionics have been partners for several years and work well together,” said Jim Derbyshire, Invionics Software’s chairman and chief executive officer, who will not join Verific. “Together, they will become a powerhouse able to accelerate design tool and flow developments throughout the semiconductor and system design industry.”

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